Friday 15 June 2007

hey there. i just thought i would share with you an interesting passage i discovered last night at bible study. 17 But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient, and if you are drawn away to bow down to other gods and worship them, 18 I declare to you this day that you will certainly be destroyed. You will not live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to enter and possess. Deut 30:17-18
It occured to me that seeing as the Israelites have not held up their end of the bargin than they can no longer lay claim to the promise land. A couple of weeks ago I was watchin Enough Rope with Dad and Denton was interviewing heaps of people (mostly Anericans) that were at a convention in Israel. They all were saying that Bush should stand with Israel against Palistine because God has promised the israelites the land. But then I realised that this was part of the covanent that God made with them. but they had to keep there end of the bargin, which they didnt; so in my thinking, the land nolonger belongs to them.
I would value your comments/thoughts on this. as I found it very interesting.
back later with more food for thought


PI007 said...

The Israelites do have to turn back to God, it happened many times in the Old Testament where they turned away and God allowed their enemies to start taking cities, etc and they would then turn back to him. It will be interesting to see when and how Israel turn back to God.

PI007 said...

Btw, I like the new template you have, looks good.